Monday, June 25, 2012

Sex and the city

So recently, I have been aware of the fact that I've been writing a blog that seems to be a ripe off of Carrie Bradshaw's column from sex in the city. But to honest, up until a few weeks ago, I had only seen about five episodes and the movie. I happen to be completely unaware I was mimicking a TV show, well at least consciously. I was possessed to watch all the session from start to finish, because a friend of mine told me if I wanted dating advice I need to start there. For some strange reason I took this advice. After about many hours and dollars spend on Amazon instant watch, I finished all 6 sessions about a week ago.

I came to realize that I was a mixture of all the leading women, but I feel most women are. I mean it wont have been a hit show in the 90's if single women couldn't relate to it. Yet, I related mostly to Samantha and Carrie, but mostly Carrie. Maybe it was for the fact that I have a blog, write and talk mostly about boys, well now I think I'm truly moving on to men. However, besides keeping an online dairy about my personal interaction with the opposite sex, I put the pieces together and realized I seem to have the same dating style as the main character. When it comes to having a good guy be into me I push them away by being crazy, or in some cases change who I am to please and keep a relationship with a man. For example, when Carrie stops smoking cigs for Aidan, or like the time when she was into the artist and he treated her like a prince yet their just was no spark. I seem to be into the guys I cant have, or the ones who wont ever be the one you want or need. But yet, Carrie cant seem to get Mr. Big out of her mind space and continuly goes back to him after all the hurtful and disrespectful things he does to her . All Carrie's friends dislike Big, except for good old Charlotte. Charlotte is the only one who thinks they were met to be. Well most of us know how it ends up, they get married.

Yet, that is such fiction. Here's to the real thing

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